Sunday, October 10, 2010

12 years ago today...

on a bright, sunny spring day, I carried these:

wore this:

sat in here:

ate this:

and married you.

Happy Anniversary my darling.

Thank you for all your words and acts of support, encouragement, common sense, comfort and love.   

May there be many more years of the same.


The House That A-M Built said...

Oh happy day to you both! What a glorious wedding! A-M xx

Jenny said...

Looks like you had a gorgeous wedding and you looked beautiful - love your dress! Happy anniversary to you both! ;-)

Jane said...

Ooh, happy anniversary, Jane! How pretty and elegant. Thanks for sharing. J x

24 Corners said...

This is such a sweet post...your wedding and you were beautiful!

Happy Anniversary to you both...
xo J~

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Jane! Your wedding looked stunning! Enjoy your special day, Jxx

Millie said...

Dear Jane & Mr. Pear Tree House - Happy 12th Anniversary! Your wedding day looked just gorgeous, as you both did (well Jane anyways!).
Millie ^_^

Tina said...

Happy anniversary to you and your husband Jane. Hope you both have a wonderful day!! My goodness, your wedding photos are so beautiful!! ~ Tina x

Jeanne Henriques said...

Oh Jane, congratulations! Each and every shot is just stunning as is the final shot of the bride and groom.
We are 24 years on Monday...time flies when you are having fun :))

Jeanne x

brismod said...

Oh well done and congratulations! A handsome couple you make! And I love your elegant dress, Jane. Enjoy your

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

happy anniversary Jane - and many many more. jx

Lissa Pierce said...

So pretty. I had gardenias in my bouquet also....they smell so good!
Happy Anniversary!

Pinecone Camp said...

From one long time married girl, to another....Congratulations on 12 years! You looked beautiful, and that dress is stunning.

Privet and Holly said...

Lovely photos,
lovely people,
lovely post....
Congrats on your
12 year!
xx Suzanne

Emma said...

What a beautiful wedding Jane! Warmest congratulations! x

Rebecca said...

yay for wedding anniversaries! congrats!

Mise said...

That's beautiful, Jane, and you look ever so elegant and happy, and the photos have all the added grace of their twelve years.

count it all joy said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! You look so gloriously happy. Your wedding day looks absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations on the beautiful life and family you have built together. Meredy xo.

Ange said...

Oh Fabulous anniversaire de mariage to you both. It all looks just so very YOU. Beautiful. :)

Artful Kitchens said...

Happy Anniversary my blogger friend. Well done (both the blog and the wedding)

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you two!!! What a beautiful wedding you had! Everything is gorgeous and your dress in particular. Stunning! Wishing you many more happy years together!

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